
SOFIMA 's First Year(Sociedad Filatélica de Madrid) in the social network:

On May the 16th 2011  SOFIMA decided to launch a project concerning the neccesity of promoting "philately",because we were aware of the importance of the social network as a mean of expanding our ideas and we created a profile in facebook(sofima filatelia).Now that we are going to celebrate our first year, we thought it might be interesting to give you some explanations and  figures.

But before that, we would like to thank you for your support, because you have made made this dream become true, specially those who believed in us from the very start, like the partners(or associates or members) of the Philatelical Society of Madrid, all the people who became part of our page and last but not least, to all our friends for their faith and constant support.

Like the children who are learning to walk, we are going to take a new path, with neither financial support nor social network experts, but with much hope in our future discoveries  and new challenges. We are aware of all the way to go, of all that we are learning, and we will show all our improvements along the way, including some surprises.
We would like to invite all our friends to continue to be there ,and for those who still doesn't knows us or haven't entered yet,we would like to invite you and we give you the warmest welcome.

You could find us in the following sites:

In Facebook:

Our facebook profile is sofima filatelia

OurFacebook site is SOFIMA

In Twitter:


In google +

Sofimafilatelia Sofimafilatelia

Also in google +


Blog“Sociedad Filatélica de Madrid”

Thank you.

Cristina Martín San Roque

Click on the link to read the article in Spanish

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